If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
These are the
you will need when filing for a protection order for adults. (Protection orders also are known as restraining orders, ex partes, or no-contact orders.) You can fill out the forms in advance or on-site when you come in to apply for the order. You must apply in person.Ex partes must be approved by a judge. The process takes an average of two hours.
To get a protection order during regular business hours (generally 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday-Friday), go to the Clay County District Court at 11 S. Water St., Liberty, Mo.
To get a protection order when the Courthouse is closed, go to the lobby of the Clay County Detention Center at 14 S. Water St., Liberty, Mo. It is open 24/7.
After a protection order is approved, it can take Civil Process deputies up to 24 hours to attempt service of the order to the respondent. You can also contact your local police department to have respondents served in emergency situations prior to the Sheriff's Office Civil Unit completing service.